The Circular Wisdom of the Forbidden Fruit

The Book of Genesis speaks of a day when Adam & Eve ate the forbidden apple, the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. As a punishment, God didn’t hesitate and exiled them from the Garden of Eden.

Aside from the harmless and spontaneous question... so what’s so wrong with learning about good & evil?

Or from the deeper analysis of which Abrahamic religion supersedes the other ones… not even questioning if one of them is the truly original or they’re all just multiple revisions from the even previous “chosen ones”, the Hindu Brahmins…

Perhaps we ought to focus on the apple itself.

Talking about apples… what about the Torus? You know, the simple geometrical shape made by two adjacent circles that we can observe inscribed in an apple when we cut it in half. That mysterious shape that is said to be homeomorphic… the Torus and any given apple could be the very first clue to understanding our universe, from an agnostic perspective of course.

Could it be?

The perpetual dance of the in and the out. Inspiring to expire. The circular rhythm of life driven by the two most essential forces behind everything we can imagine, think, say and execute.

The forbidden fruit then might hold the ruling principle of life -the most essential truth- the indivisible and beautifully complementary forces manifesting themselves throughout our tangible and intangible realities, succinctly put below:

The In and its permutations: Contraction, Magnetism, Love, the Feminine, the color Red.

The Out and its maneuvers: Expansion, Electricity, Wisdom, The Masculine and the Color Blue.

Isn’t Love red? And Expansion, can it be understood as Wisdom?

Aren’t our bodies the perfect agreement between Magnetism (holding our bodies in place) and Electricity (pushing us outwardly)?

Could this be any more magical?

The Unity Light Sculpture (on the works) intends to celebrate and understand this basic duality in life… maybe just a colorful way of climbing the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, while God is attending more important matters.


The Bohemian Deconstruction


The Last Iconoclast