The Juglans Nira
The Horus Light Sculpture
American native and commonly known as the Black Walnut tree, it never ceases to amaze me.
When in a forest, surrounded by other trees, they will grow straight and tall with few lower branches.
When alone in the open, the Black Walnut will branch out closer to the ground and spread.
Its grain has the most beautiful palette of meandering earthly tones -from the lightest to the darkest- and along one unmistakable aroma; this tree is one of nature’s most mysterious gifts to North Americans.
I would dare to say the Juglans Nigra represents the Spirit of America, the relentless pursuit of the impossible.
You can tell from the grain that each one of these trees has survived dreadful winters and suffocating summers, you can tell it is not alive just to give up.
You can tell it will stand high when the challenges of life arrive.
You can tell that at times of peace, this beautiful tree will be peaceful.
Strength is adaptability and beauty… well beauty is endurance.
And that’s the voice of the Juglans Nigra for me.
The Horus Light Sculpture, proudly rising, about to set flight at the most critical moment, the moment he chose (much like every single black walnut), to take a chance.