A song of liberation

The Wave Light Table

“After silence,

that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music”. Aldous Huxley

“The Wave Light display table was designed & handcrafted in Montreal for Audiophonie during the winter of 2020-21.

At the height of the COVID pandemic; while the whole world struggled to understand and overcome a first ever planet-wide major struggle, Mehdi and I decided to work together on a one-of-a-kind window display.

The structure is a combination of a steel frame, a hand-carved mahogany structure and a single LED light ray all under a transparent glass countertop where Audiophonie’s vintage turntables & amplifiers -true art pieces- would be displayed to their clientele and the passersby.

This is a testament to a moment in time when two guys from Montreal joined forces to celebrate the most essential force behind humanity, the necessity to move forward.

God only knows what the future holds for us, but as long as there is music in our lives, we must carry on”.


Walk in New York


The Seinfeld Paradox