Prison of hierarchies
The Osiris Light Sculpture
L2M’s Light Sculptures are if anything (and quite unbelievably),
vehicles of pragmatic communication… immediate reaction:
How could a piece of art -an abstract one nonetheless- be remotely pragmatic?
This should be categorized as either an oxymoron or just plain ignorance.
However it is not either. The thesis behind L2M is very simple:
If we employ Archetypes to communicate, we avoid the common pitfalls of language and it’s bipolar brother… constructed-thoughts; and so, our message becomes as pure as possible.
Case and point, The Osiris Light Sculpture below.
It carries several Archetypes, and one of my favorites:
“The Eye of Horus”
Many of us can picture it standing atop a pyramid, but the devil is in the details you know. It is floating above the pyramid actually, I repeat:
“Floating” above the Pyramid.
Could we construe that observation, attention, focus… places you away from the pyramid?
It is evident that we live in an infinite prison of hierarchies, and we always strive to the next step.
But why if instead:
-We open our eyes
-We kick the table and say sayonara prison of hierarchies
-We’re just gonna live on our own terms from now
-No thanks, no more comfy snaking behind bars of silk
What if… what if.